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Canada Fed Deposit 2025 Payment Dates

Written by Jessica Steer
Reviewed by Emily Gardner
If you happen to see Canada Fed Deposit payments in your account, these are payments made to you by the Canadian federal government and can be made for a number of reasons. There are certain payment dates that you’ll receive these payments, and the amounts are based on which benefits from the federal benefit program that you receive.
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    Although not everyone will receive Canada Fed Deposit payments, a good majority of Canadians actually do. The reason that the deposits are called Canada Fed Deposits on your bank statement is that the Canada Revenue Agency is responsible not only for federal payments but also for some provincial payments.

    Provincial payments from the federal government will be deposited under Canada Pro Deposit and include payments from the Alberta Child and Family Benefit and the Ontario Trillium Benefit (Northern Ontario Energy Credit, Ontario Sales Tax Credit and Ontario Energy and Property Tax Credit).

    2025 Direct Deposit Dates

    What date your Canada Fed payments get directly deposited into your bank account is based on which government benefits you’re receiving. With Canada Fed benefits, you can receive 5 different payments, which means that everyone's Canada Fed Deposit amounts will be different. Also, you’ll notice that some of these payments are made monthly, while others are paid quarterly. 

    Canada Child BenefitsChild Disability BenefitsGST/HST Tax CreditAdvance Canada Workers BenefitsCanada Carbon Rebate

    Canada Fed Benefits

    When it comes to Canada Fed benefits, there are different benefits that you can receive based on your financial situation as well as other defining factors of your life. Let’s take a look at the different benefits that you can receive and how they work. 

    Before we get too far into that, though, it’s important to remember that along with the Canada Fed Deposit listed on your bank statement, it can also be listed as EFT Credit Canada. Depending on the time of year as well, if you do not receive any of these different benefits from the federal government, it could be your income tax return or even an overpayment of income tax. This often explains why you receive a lump sum amount, or you may receive multiple benefits, which could also be deposited in a lump sum payment. 

    Canada Child Benefit

    The Canada Child Benefit is a tax-free monthly payment that provides financial assistance to eligible families who have children under the age of 18. In order to receive these monthly payments, you must apply while providing proof of birth. 

    In order to be eligible for the CCB, you have to meet some eligibility criteria. These requirements are:

    • You must be a resident of Canada for tax purposes
    • You live with a child who’s under the age of 18
    • You’re primarily responsible for your child

    In order to be approved, you are your spouse must also be one of the following:

    • A Canadian citizen
    • A permanent resident
    • A protected person
    • An individual who’s registered or entitled to be registered under the Indian Act
    • A temporary resident who’s lived in Canada for the previous 18 months and who has a valid permit in the 19th month

    In order to receive the maximum benefit per month, your annual family net income must be under $36,502. Once your income is above the threshold, your government payments are reduced from the maximum amount. 

    Child Disability Benefit

    The Child Disability Benefit is a benefit given to those who have a child or children under the age of 18 who have a severe and prolonged physical or mental impairment. There is no application required to receive this benefit, but you already have to be approved for the Canada Disability Tax Credit as well as the Canada Child Benefit. You should receive the monthly tax-free benefit at the same time as your CCB payments. 

    In order to receive the maximum benefit for each child, your annual family net income must be below $79,087. Once your income is greater, the benefit payment will then be reduced by how much your income is above the AFNI and how many children you have who are eligible for the benefit. 

    GST/HST Tax Credit

    Whether or not you receive the GST/HST tax credit is based on your adjusted family net income and is meant for those who have a low or modest income. They’re tax-free payment amounts that you receive quarterly in order to help offset the cost of some of the Goods and Services Tax or Harmonized Sales Tax that you pay. These quarterly payments aren’t considered taxable income.

    With the GST/HST payments, you don’t have to apply in order to receive them. If you’re eligible, you’ll start receiving your payments automatically. All you have to do to be considered is file your annual income taxes. However, there are some requirements that you need to meet. 

    • You must be at least 19 years of age
    • You must be a Canadian resident for tax purposes the month before the CRA makes the payment, as well as the beginning of the month the payment is made

    If you’re under the age of 19, you can be eligible to receive this benefit if you have a spouse or common-law partner or if you are (were) a parent who lives (lived) with your child. 

    Your annual family net income must be below the threshold to qualify. This threshold varies based on your marital status and how many children you have, but your AFNI must be below between $54,704 and $72,244. 

    Advance Canada Workers Benefit

    The Canada Workers Benefit is another benefit that’s intended for low-income Canadians. This specific refundable tax credit is intended to help low-income workers and is made up of two parts: the basic amount and the disability supplement. 

    In order to be approved for the basic benefit, you need to meet a few requirements. These include:

    • Being a resident of Canada throughout the year
    • Being 19 years old or older by December 31, or living with your spouse or common-law partner or child
    • Earning a working income and having an adjusted net income under the level set for your province or territory

    You can receive the disability supplement as long as you meet the income requirements and are approved for the disability tax credit. For a single person, you’ll receive the maximum payment if your net income is below $24,975 and stop receiving payments once your income is greater than $35,095. For a family, you must earn below $28,494 to receive the maximum benefit and below $45,934 to continue receiving payments. It’s also important to remember that for those who live in Quebec, Nunavut and Alberta, the maximum benefit amounts will vary. 

    For the disability supplement, the income requirements vary. These are based on your marital status and whether or not you are receiving the disability tax credit. 

    Canada Carbon Rebate

    The Canada Carbon Rebate, formally known as the Climate Action Incentive Payments, is a tax-free payment made to eligible Canadians to help offset federal pollution pricing costs. Along with the basic amount that you can receive, you can also receive a supplement if you live in small and rural communities.  

    In order to be approved for this payment, you have to live in one of the eligible provinces. These provinces include:

    • Alberta
    • Manitoba
    • New Brunswick
    • Newfoundland and Labrador
    • Nova Scotia
    • Ontario
    • Prince Edward Island
    • Saskatchewan

    You must also be at least 19 years old the month before you start receiving these payments. If you aren’t 19, you must have (or had) a common-law partner or spouse or are (were) a parent who lives (lived) with their child. The last requirement is that your income has to be under the maximum income threshold, which varies from province to province.

    Canada Fed Benefit Amounts

    The amounts that you can receive from the Canada Fed Benefit are also dependent on which benefit you’re receiving. While you may not receive the maximum amount available to you, here are the maximum amounts that you could receive. 

    Canada Fed BenefitMaximum Payment
    Canada Child BenefitFor children under 6 -$7,787per year ($648.91 per month)For children 6-17 - $6, pe570r year ($547.50 per month)
    Child Disability BenefitUp to $3,332 annually ($276.83 per month)
    GST/HST Tax CreditUp to $519 if you’re singleUp to $680 if you’re married or common-lawUp to $179 for each child under 19
    Advanced Canada Workers BenefitRegular Benefits:$1,518 for singles$2,616 for families Disability Benefits: $784 for singles and families

    For the Canada Carbon Rebate, the amount you receive is based on your province, so let’s take a look. 

    ProvinceMaximum CCR Base AmountMaximum CCR Rural Supplement
    Alberta$225 for an individual$112.50 for spouses$56.25 per child$112.50 for the first child of a single-parent$45 for an individual$22.50 for spouses$11.50 per child$22.50 for the first child of a single-parent
    Manitoba$150 for an individual$75 for spouses$37.50 per child$75 for the first child of a single-parent$30 for an individual$15 for spouses$7.50 per child$15 for the first child of a single-parent
    New Brunswick$95 for an individual$47.50 for spouses$23.75 per child$47.50 for the first child of a single-parent$19 for an individual$9.50 for spouses$4.75 per child$9.50 for the first child of a single-parent
    Nova Scotia$103 for an individual$51.50 for spouses$25.75 per child$51.50 for the first child of a single-parent$20.60 for an individual$10.30 for spouses$5.15 per child$10.30 for the first child of a single-parent
    Newfoundland and Labrador$149 for an individual$74.50 for spouses$37.25 per child$74.50 for the first child of a single-parent$29.80 for an individual$14.90 for spouses$7.45 per child$14.90 for the first child of a single-parent
    Prince Edward Island$110 for an individual$55 for spouses$27.50 per child$55 for the first child of a single-parentThe rural supplement is included in the base amount. 
    Ontario$140 for an individual$70 for spouses$35 per child$70 for the first child of a single-parent$28 for an individual$14 for spouses$7 per child$14 for the first child of a single-parent
    Saskatchewan$188 for an individual$94 for spouses$47 per child$94 for the first child of a single-parent$37.60 for an individual$18.80 for spouses$9.40 per child$18.80 for the first child of a single-parent

    Canada Fed Benefit Payment Increases

    The current amounts for all of the Canada Fed Benefit payments are based on the 2023 tax year. Once we reach the tax deadline for the 2024 tax year, you may notice a change in your benefit payments. This is because your annual net income will change, and there may be an increase in what the maximum benefit payments are. This is because all benefits are assessed on a benefit-year basis (July to July) instead of on a calendar-year basis. 

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