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While many of you may have heard of ODSP before, did you know that they offer more than just income support? They offer other benefits to ODSP recipients who need it and qualify for them. There is a wide variety of options, too, so there are options to accommodate everyone's needs. The only constant is that you need documentation from an approved healthcare professional to qualify; it’s not a program you can automatically qualify for.
ODSP Basics
When it comes to ODSP, there are two income support options that are available to everyone. These are the Basic Needs Allowance, and Shelter Allowance. Each of these amounts is individual, so there’s no predetermined amount. Let’s take a look at how they work.
Basic Needs Allowance
This particular allowance from ODSP is used to pay for specific items such as food, clothing, and any other personal items that are deemed necessary. How the amount you received is calculated is based on a few key factors, including:
- The number of people in your household
- The age of your family members
- Whether or not your spouse has a disability
Once social services determine this amount, you will start receiving it every month.
Shelter Allowance
Another portion of income support that’s available to everyone is the shelter allowance. This amount is designed to cover specific costs such as:
- Rent
- Mortgage Payments
- Heat
- Property Taxes
- Utilities
- Home Insurance
- Condo Fees
In order for this amount to be determined, your exact costs would be needed. That said, there is a maximum, and if your costs exceed the maximum amount, then that’s all you’ll receive. There may be some exceptions made based on the size of your household.
Hidden Benefits Part of ODSP Basics
While the benefits listed above are available to everyone, in some cases, you could be eligible for some additional benefits. These discretionary benefits are based on your specific needs as well as where you live.
Board And Lodging
This amount is separate from the two benefits listed above. This is because it’s given to those who have their food and shelter received from the same source. It’s known as the ODSP Board and Lodging amount.
You may be wondering how exactly this works. Well, two good examples are when you live with your parents, and they prepare the food for you, or your landlord prepares food for you. Since this is the case, the amounts that you’re given are specific to your needs and based on the number of people in your family as well as their ages.
Remote Communities Allowance
This allowance is available to anyone who qualifies for benefits. That said, you do have to meet the qualifications. In order to qualify, you need to live above the 50th Parralel or don’t have year-round road access. This amount is in addition to any other amounts that you may receive.
Health Benefits Included With ODSP
If you qualify for ODSP, then you also qualify for health benefits as long as they apply to you. These benefits allow for a certain amount of extra funds to help you cover these costs. Other programs like Ontario Works may cover some of these costs, but if they don’t, then ODSP will.
Special Diet Allowance
It’s very common nowadays for many to have food allergies, which can increase the cost of food. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes can also affect what you eat, which can impact your monthly costs. This particular benefit helps those with expenses related to food in amounts up to $250 per month.
Medical Transportation Allowance
Another common cost associated with health issues is the travel costs needed to see the appropriate health professionals. This allowance is available to you if your monthly transportation costs to medical appointments are higher than $15 per month.
If you live in more rural areas, these costs can add up quite quickly and can be unaffordable for some. With this benefit, the funds don’t have to come out of your other allowances.
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Nutritional Allowance
When it comes to pregnancy and breastfeeding, additional costs can occur every month. This is recognized, and this benefit is offered to those who are pregnant and/or have a baby under the age of two months. You can get $40 to help with the costs of a regular diet and $50 to help with diet costs if you’re lactose intolerant.
Drug and Dental Benefits
Drug coverage will cover the cost of any medications that are needed. The drug must be included in the Ontario Drug Benefit formulary in order to be covered. The dental benefits are these to cover basic services such as check-ups, x-rays, fillings, cleanings, root canals and extractions.
Housing Stabilization Fund
If you’re on ODSP and you have to move, you may be eligible to have some of these costs covered. If you meet the eligibility requirements, you could receive up to $1,600 for singles and couples and up to $3,000 for families. In some cases, this fund can even be used to cover the cost of unpaid rent and even the replacement of furniture due to infestations.
Vision Coverage and Glasses
In Ontario, some people have vision coverage through the Ontario Health Insurance Plan. That said, if you don’t, ODSP can help with these costs. Once every two years, routine eye exams for your family will be covered. You can even get assistance in covering the cost of eyeglasses every three years for children under 18 and your spouse. This also will cover the cost of repairs on eyeglasses.
Mandatory Special Necessity Benefits
These benefits are to help with costs that are necessary for your medical conditions. This covers any medical transportation costs, but it also covers other costs, including:
- Diabetic supplies
- Syringes
- Alcohol swabs
- Blood glucose monitors
- Surgical supplies
- Surgical dressings
- Incontinence supplies
Coverage For Assistive Devices
In Ontario, there’s an Assistive Devices Program that can help you cover the cost of necessary medical devices. The program decides which devices are covered and which costs are covered, they also don’t cover any assessment fess associated with getting these devices approved.
With ODSP, not only can you get your assessment fees covered, but it’s also possible to get some or all of the costs related to your assisted devices covered that the Assistive Devices Program won’t. The types of devices accepted include:
- Respiratory devices
- Ostomy supplies
- Speech devices
- Orthotics
- Prosthetics
- Hearing Aids
- Wheeled walkers
- Wheelchairs
- Magnifiers and other visual aids
It’s important to note, though, that you won’t be reimbursed for any devices acquired before you get approval.

Hearing Aids and Devices
Hearing aids in Canada are very expensive and often unaffordable for those who need them. While there are programs in place that cover these costs, you might not always get approved. If this is the case, then ODSP will help cover the cost. They’ll also help cover other costs, including:
- Visual alerting systems
- Hearing aid repairs
- Battery replacements
When it comes to any children you have, these costs will only be covered until the age of 18. The only exception is if they become approved for ODSP themselves.
Batteries and Costs Related to Mobility Devices
While ODSP can approve the costs of mobility devices, that’s not the only cost related to theses devices that should be covered. These devices are also going to need to be maintained and repaired. Common devices that need these services are scooters, wheelchairs, walkers and lifting devices.
If you’re unable to get funding from another Ontario program, then ODSP will help. They’ll help with the costs of all of these things for you, your spouse and the rest of your family.
Guide Dog Benefit
Another common cost for those with disabilities is the cost of guide dogs. Just like with household pets, these animals require grooming, medical care, food and shelter. These things can get expensive. ODSP recognizes this and offers up to $84 per dog in order to help pay for their care.
Extended Health Benefit
One great thing about ODSP is that just because you no longer qualify for ODSP income support doesn’t mean that you lose support for your medical care. In a case like this, you’ll be offered Extended Health Benefits. In order to be covered, though, you have to pay high medical costs.
These Extended Health Benefits can help cover the costs of certain medical costs, including:
- Dental care
- Vision care
- Prescription drugs
- Medical supplies
- Transportation costs
- Assistive devices
The main deciding factor in whether you get these additional benefits or not is your income amount. If your medical costs are larger than the difference between your former ODSP amount and your new income amount, then you’re eligible.
Transitional Health Benefit
The Transitional Health Benefits are slightly different from the Extended Health Benefits. These are available to you if you have a job, don’t qualify for extended benefits, and don’t receive benefits from your employer.
It’s important to remember that this isn’t long-term coverage. This coverage is meant to last until you’re able to start receiving benefits from your employer. Once you’re able to do so, your transitional benefits will be cut off.
Employment and ODSP
While ODSP is meant for those with long-term disabilities, that doesn’t mean that you’ll never be able to work again. In fact, it’s common for those on ODSP to return to work once they’re able to find a job that meets their needs. In fact, ODSP offers many benefits to those looking for work through ODSP Employment Supports. Here are some of the benefits.
Work-Related Benefit
The work-related benefit is for those who are earning an income through employment or self-employment while on ODSP. With this benefit, you can get $100 per person. However, it only pays you for children who are under the age of 18.
Coverage for Child Care
For various reasons, ODSP may cover the cost of childcare to help return to the workforce or train to get back into the workforce. If you register your child in a licensed daycare, it can cover the full cost upfront. When it comes to unlicensed child care, you can get up to $600 per child.
Employment and Training Start-Up Benefit
This benefit allows you to get funds for you and your family if you’re getting a job or starting training. It specifically gives each family member up to $500 in a 12-month period to pay for things before you start a training program, start a business, start a new job, or a new employment activity.
Some things this benefit is intended to cover are:
- Clothing
- Transportation
- Fees
- Grooming
- Tools
- Special equipment
- Proper footwear
ODSP Employment Supports
With ODSP Employment Support, you’ll work with a community service provider to help you start your own business or get a job. They’ll also help you with support when it comes to getting a new job and keeping a job.
Final Thoughts
The Ontario Disability Support Program is more than just a program that offers financial assistance to those with disabilities. This program also offers extra disability benefits that will help your medical condition, as well as extra benefits to help you re-enter the workforce if you’re able to. They also give you ODSP cheques to help you prepare for new employment, which can make all the difference when it comes to succeeding.