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Saskatchewan Income Support (SIS) Payment Dates 2025

Written by Stephen Hoenig
Reviewed by Emily Gardner
SIS, also known as the Saskatchewan Income Support Program, is a provincial payment that is given to those in Saskatchewan who meet the eligibility criteria. The benefit payment dates for SIS vary slightly from year to year but usually show up in your account at the end of the month.
Table of Contents

    Like many other provincial benefits, SIS is broken down into different benefits, and you don’t have to be approved for all of them to start receiving payments. That said, there are different payment amounts that each benefit pays, so each SIS recipient will receive different amounts, even if they’re on the same day. These benefits are different from SAID, also known as Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability. 

    Direct Deposit Payments for 2025

    When you receive monthly income assistance, SIS benefits depend on whether or not you receive the payments through direct deposit or via cheque. Here are the 2025 dates that the money direct deposits into your account.

    • January 28
    • February 25
    • March 25
    • April 24
    • May 27
    • June 25
    • July 28
    • August 26
    • September 25
    • October 28
    • November 25

    Cheque Payment Dates 2025

    When you receive your monthly SIS payments through cheque, the payment dates will be different than those who receive direct deposit. Keep in mind that the below dates are when the cheques are mailed, not when they’re received. 

    • January 30
    • February 27
    • March 25
    • April 24
    • May 29
    • June 27
    • July 30
    • August 28
    • September 29
    • October 30
    • November 27

    Once the SIS cheques have been mailed out, it can take anywhere from 5 to 10 business days until the cheque arrives. 

    SIS Benefits

    SIS benefits have four different categories, and within these different categories there are many different SIS benefits. Here’s a breakdown of which benefits are included in which category. 

    Benefit CategoryBenefits
    Employment IncentivesEmployment incentives for singles, families and couples
    Basic BenefitsBasic and shelter benefits
    Health and SafetyStabilization benefits
    Short-term emergency assistance
    Prescribed diet benefits
    Alternate heating benefits
    Travel benefits
    Household health and safety benefits
    Change in CircumstancesChildren's benefits
    Child care benefits
    Relocation benefits
    Travel benefits
    Security deposits
    Funeral benefits
    Employment and training benefits

    If you’re eligible for even one of these benefits, then you’ll start receiving SIS payments. 

    SIS Eligibility

    In Saskatchewan, anyone who is looking to receive financial assistance can apply for financial support, known as the SIS program. However, in order to be approved, you need to meet certain eligibility requirements. These requirements include:

    • Being a Saskatchewan resident
    • Being at least 18 years old
    • Having no or low income
    • Being a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, having refugee status or having entered the country under the Canada Ukraine authorization for emergency travel.
    • Having explored all other options to support yourself (employment, child support etc. )

    When you apply, you do have to provide the Saskatchewan government with documents in order for them to assess your eligibility. These documents include:

    • Your Social Insurance Number and Saskatchewan Health Services Number (or proof of application)
    • Information regarding your spouse or common-law partner  and children
    • Financial details, including investments and funds you have access to
    • Information on owned property, including vehicles
    • Documents of your living situation (rental agreement)
    • Bank statements for you and your spouse’s accounts

    Once you’ve provided this information, you then have 30 Days to supply:

    • Direct deposit information
    • The mandatory service questionnaire
    • Information regarding pensions and other benefits you receive
    • Details regarding property owned
    • Information regarding the funds you have, including investments

    You can complete the application by contacting Saskatchewan Social Services in person or over the phone. 

    SIS Payment Amounts

    The amounts that you’ll receive with SIS are based on the benefits that you’re approved for. Due to the fact there are so many different benefits that you could receive, let’s break down these amounts by category. 

    Employment Incentives

    Employment incentives allow you to earn a certain amount of income while still receiving benefits. These amounts include:

    • $375 for singles
    • $475 for couples without dependent children
    • $500 for  families

    Basic Benefits

    In terms of basic benefits, you can earn a few different amounts. The purpose of these benefits is to cover the cost of basic necessities, including food, clothing, travel, and personal and household items.

    The monthly payments for basic benefits vary based on where you live in Saskatchewan. If you live outside of the Northern Administration District, the adult basic benefit is $355 per month. For those who live within the Northern Administration District, the adult basic benefit is $425, and there’s also a children’s benefit of $65 per month. 

    Shelter Benefits

    Along with the basic benefits that you can receive to help cover the cost of your basic needs, you can also receive shelter benefits to cover regular living expenses, rent, mortgage payments and other shelter-related costs. These amounts will vary based on how many people are in your family as well as where you live. Keep in mind that the amounts listed are the maximum amounts that you could receive on a monthly basis. 

    Residence in SaskatchewanSinglesCouples Without ChildrenFamilies with 1-2 ChildrenFamilies with 3 or more children 
    Rest of the Province$590$720$820$925

    Health and Safety

    In terms of health and safety benefits, there are quite a few different benefits that you could receive. How much you will get deposited into your bank account is based on how many different benefits you qualify for. Keep in mind that some of these are monthly benefits while others are one-time payments. 

    BenefitPurposePayment Amount
    Household Health and Safety BenefitThis benefit is to be used to help replace any household items or set up a new residence due to violence or disaster. Up to $500
    Stabilization BenefitThis is given in addition to the shelter benefit to help maintain stable housing. Up to $150 per month
    Short-term Emergency AssistanceThis benefit is assessed on a situational business to address emergency situations. TBD
    Prescribed Diet BenefitThis benefit provides funds to those who need nutritional supplements due to a medical condition.From $50 to $150
    Travel BenefitThis benefit is situational and is given to those who need to travel for employment or medical purposes.  TBD
    Alternate Heating BenefitThis is given to those who need an alternate heating source in order to heat their home (not natural gas). Up to $160 per month

    Change in Circumstances 

    For change in circumstances benefits, there are also a few different benefits that you could receive. 

    BenefitPurposeMaximum Payment Amount
    Employment and Training BenefitThis benefit aids in the cost of starting a new career or new training program. $140
    Children’s BenefitThis is given to those not eligible to receive the Canada Child Benefit. $400
    Licensed Child Care BenefitFor those who need child care because of employment, school, or medical reasons. TBD
    Child Care BenefitThis covers the cost of child care for those looking for employment. $30 per day
    Relocation BenefitThis is given to those in specific circumstances who need to move. $200 - $300
    Travel BenefitThis covers the cost of moving due to a new job or job interviews. TBD
    Security DepositThis covers amounts for security deposits up to the maximum shelter benefit. TBD
    Funeral BenefitsThis is given to help with the cost of funeral services.TBD

    SIS Payment Increases

    The amounts given for SIS benefits are based on the provincial budget. For the 2023 2024 provincial budget, increases were made to some SIS benefits as of May 1, 2023. Some increases were also made in January 2025.


    If you’re low-income in Saskatchewan and looking for financial help, then you could be eligible for SIS payments. These SIS payments are given to recipients for a number of reasons, and you could be eligible for multiple payments. Depending on the benefit that you’re eligible for, you could either receive a one-time payment, multiple payments, or monthly payments. 

    In order to receive payments from SIS, you do need to apply. Your application will be assessed, and you will be notified whether or not you’ve been approved. Since SIS benefits are provincial benefits, you could also be eligible for federal benefits as well to help supplement your income. 

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