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You have successfully withdrawn $150.00 from your savings

Your have also updated your foundation which means you will still qualify for $1,500 Evergeen Loan at the end of program.

Reference Number: 093488721
It generally takes 4-5 business days to process the transfers.
The Equifax Risk Score [or Equifax credit score] is based on Equifax’s proprietary model and may not be the same score used by third parties to assess your creditworthiness. The provision of this score to you is intended for your own educational use. Third parties will take into consideration other information in addition to a credit score when evalutating your creditworthiness.
Equifax Canada Co. (“Equifax”) is a registered Canadian credit bureau that maintains your Canadian consumer credit file, which has been used by Spring Financial Inc. as permitted by you, to provide you with your educational Equifax credit score. The Equifax credit score provided here is current as of the date indicated by Spring Financial Inc.
Spring Financial Inc. is not affiliated with Equifax Canada Co., its parent company, subsidiaries or its affiliates (collectively, “Equifax”). The content of this website is not reviewed nor approved by Equifax. Spring Financial Inc. is an authorized reseller of the Equifax Risk Score, however, Equifax does not endorse, guarantee or recommend any of the products, services or content on this website. For information about Equifax, the Equifax Risk Score, and/or Equifax credit reports, please visit the official Equifax Canada Co. website at https://www.consumer.equifax.ca/personal/.